Polvorí stories

Polvorí stories
English class

dimarts, 29 de març del 2011

St. Patrick's day

Last 17th of March, we celebrated St. Patrick's day at school
All classes read and talked about St. Patrick's history, Irish culture and celtic simbols.
Today, people celebrate the day with parades, wearing of the green, and drinking beer. One reason St. Patrick's Day might have become so popular is that it takes place just a few days before the first day of spring. One might say it has become the first green of spring.

We talked about the Leprechaun and made some activities as a Leprechaun's hat.
If you want, you can find some activities to do in this website .

dijous, 24 de febrer del 2011

Wonderful tonight, Eric Clapton

We learn this love song at English class. It’s easy to understand and to sing because it’s quite slow melody.

At Anna's house.

Some 4th grade girls reading a story about hours.

In my city.

In our eTwinning Project, children of 3rd grade talking about what you can find in our city, Barcelona.

The Circus !!!!!

The circus was the theme during our "Setmana Cultural". In the weeks leading up to the Semana Cultural we studied the Circus in our english classes. We wanted to learn what  happened at the circus. We wanted to know what the circus performers were and what they did.  We watched videos on youtube, we used PowerPoint presentations and we even made our own circuses. We learned about magicians, animals, strongmen, knife throwers, tightrope walkers, clowns and jugglers.
Here you have some pictures of us working with Sam, our English assistent.

The circus


Boys and girls from 3 rd primary school are doing a project with schoolchildren in Poland. Today we cooked a cake and we are writing a Catalan cookbook to send and share our cuisine with Polish cuisine.

Our new blog

Hello friends !
We are pupils and English teachers of El Polvorí school in Barcelona.
We would like to show you some of our English activities.
We are working in a PELE (oral project) and in an eTwinning too.
Thank you!!